Monday, October 29, 2007

Breakfast with bigwig

[Description of awful meeting redacted.]

The important point is:
This whole meeting, it made me feel even less hopeful than I already did about this place and my future here.


S said...

Well that's no way to start a week! I've been in that position with a supervisor before. He was a yeller, kicker, and thrower of things. I feel for you.

I have no useful or sage advice - just an ear.

Margaret said...

Oh god, Hilaire, how awful. Any chance he's on his way out soon?

Hilaire said...

Thanks, S!

Maggie, I wondered the same thing. I've not heard anything about leaving, but I am going to ask around a bit today!

squadratomagico said...


Wow, what an asshole! I always have the same response when people are nasty or aggressive: I become speechless and stupefied. It's like my brain can't really process that someone could be such a jerk, because it's so unimaginable to me to act in such a way. So I end up shutting down and staying quiet.

Sorry you're feeling so negatively about your new position. I truly hope things improve.

gwoertendyke said...

i missed the narrative but i'm so sorry to hear the outcome.

they don't deserve you.

grumpyABDadjunct said...

I missed the story, too, and am SO curious about it! What kind of an ass was this person? Personally, professionally, what?

You don't deserve any of it, of course.

Hilaire said...

Oh, it was professional. With my faculty bigwig. You know, the D. I shall tell you about it if I see you in person in December!

PG said...

Missed it...