Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday morning apprehension

Oy. I'm tired. Mr. K spent his first night here last night - he's still going to do the divorce-child thing, spending roughly half his time with each of us. And last night he just couldn't settle. We went to bed at 10. He began pacing and whining at midnight, and kept it up until 7am, when the alarm went off. I might be adaptable, but he sure isn't. I have to remind myself that this will pass - he did this for the first few nights at A's, too. But damn, I hope it passes quickly. Poor guy. I don't know what to do about it besides giving him rescue remedy.

I really needed a good sleep because I got to spend the whole weekend dancing. How fun is that? If there is anything that brings me absolute, unadulterated joy, it is good dancing. And all weekend - that's a true luxury. I don't think I've smiled so much in almost a year.

This week feels daunting, though - I must nearly finish the article I'm writing, and I am behind where I wanted to be in my paper-marking. In fact, the next six weeks or so - until the end of May, when I go to Congress - feel daunting. I must be smart. I must elaborate the two-part theoretical scaffolding of my book, on what feels like command - for my Congress paper, and also for a panel proposal I'm putting together for Big Conference in the fall. It feels like a terrifyingly tall order, to be that intellectually together...

If only the frickin' sun would come out and the temperature would jump a few degrees, it would feel so much more manageable...


grumpyABDadjunct said...

I'm behind with grading too...god I'm just HATING it this year.

Okay, the weather. If it were sunny and warm you'd want to be out wandering around, still not wanting to grade or write or be intellectually together. Drinks on the patio would be your prime motivator. Embrace the cold, wind and rain as reasons not to go out and get to work! That is what I shall do myself.

Hilaire said...

You're totally right...see, I am not smart enough to figure this out, hence perhaps not smart enough to get my act very much together!! Absolutely true that I would be out wandering, sitting on patios for drinks at 2 in the afternoon. Ah...