I'm back from vacation. More on that later...
For the moment, I bought my first digital camera and thought I would celebrate the occasion - and get to know this small machine - with a Mr. K photo shoot...of course. If we can call it a photo shoot when I'm a fumbling amateur.
what a cutie! He looks very patient... :)
Not as patient as all that, actually...which is why I had to settle for blurry photos. I couldn't get him to look at me after that. He'd had up to here with the whole thing...Diva :)
Oh, how CUTE! What breed is he?
He's a boxer. They really are SUCH great dogs - this is the second one I've had. They're friendly and sweet and fun fun fun - they call them the "eternal children" of the dog world. Not that I'm trying to sell you on them or anything!
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