Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Library research hasn't been going as beautifully as it did last week, but I am chugging along...we're in needle-in-haystack territory here, but I feel productive, still - so that's nice. I continue to be enchanted by the library, as well. Even the cafe, where they give you tea in a china pot when you order it - at the cafeteria!

R and I had a GREAT weekend with S. S and I - we are such friend soulmates...Though we never see each other anymore now that he lives in London, there's that ineffable something between us that we've had for 20+ years, and that makes our relationship different from any other. This weekend went a long way to repairing some of the weirdness that came of our last time in Paris, in February of last year. It was pure fun to be together, and THRILLING to be in the company of this person who gets my sense of humour so psychically. And the three of us were a good little group, with S keeping R and I very, very amused.

There has been some yummy food, too (of course) - we've stuck really close to the little apartment in Montmartre for meals out, and there are some great restaurants here off the tourist track. Yum!

Off to the library I go, soon...then R and I will meet up for good, cheap Middle Eastern food and a drink...

1 comment:

medieval woman said...

*lovely* to hear! So glad you guys have had fun...