Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hi, all. I know I've been gone for a month. I know I'm terrible for not responding to any of the lovely awards some of you gave me right around the time I disappeared from here. I'm sorry. And thank you.

I've been doing just fine. I'm now almost five weeks past my surgery and feeling essentially back to normal. I've been working away at my research the last couple of weeks - getting an article ready to send out for publication.

The truth is, I just haven't felt like blogging. I've been avoiding it. I'm not sure what's happened, but it seems the Will to Blog has left me entirely. So has the will to be a citizen of the blogosphere. I began to feel completely overwhelmed by blogging; it began to stress me out. Perhaps some of this feeling was spurred by Facebook...I finally joined, about 6 weeks ago. Although I'm not enormously active on Facebook, still, I think I hit my saturation point. I began longing for a bit of an escape from the Internet. And I've been cultivating that.

So this brings me to this final post. I'm so sad to be leaving many of you behind; this is why I've been hesitating to write this final post. I'll keep this space up for a little while, in case I feel the urge to start up again. And perhaps you'll see me in your comments from time to time. But mostly I'll be off doing other things. I've struck up some wonderful friendships with some of you - you know where to find me...I'll be keeping this email address, for starters. We'll keep in touch, no question.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to see you go but I wish you good health and good luck.

Belle said...

I have missed you. Can I seek you out on FB?

Susan said...

Hilaire, good luck -- we'll miss you!

Pantagruelle said...

Sorry to see you go, but I can understand the need to disconnect from it all. Looked for you on FB but couldn't find you. I'm there if you want to friend me. Take care.

What Now? said...

Hilaire -- I'll be sad to lose your voice in the blogosphere, but I'm glad you're making the decision that's best for you. Best wishes to you for good healing -- in all its many forms! -- and thank you for your blog these last years.

Brigindo said...

You will be sorely missed but I'm glad you're doing well and have good things taking you away from the blogosphere. Enjoy

Maude said...

oh hilaire, i am so sad to see you go. i truly am. i am near tears.

that being said, i'm glad you're recovering well. i'm glad that you are in a place where you don't need this anymore and that you are getting healthy both inside and out. i wish you the best of everything. i hope we stay in touch, and if i ever get an FB profile, i'll look you up if that's okay.

all my love and best wishes to you,
love, maudie.

Anonymous said...

Of course I am sad about your decision, but since I made the same decision, I can't really complain!

I'm going to email you though soon? (I'm at a conference right now, so not sure how soon, but soon!)


Thoroughly Educated said...

Hilaire, sorry you will be leaving the b'sphere, but I quite understand, as a petering-out kind of blogger myself. I'm very glad to hear that after a long run of horribles you are physically getting better and in a good place research-wise.

If you'd like to friend me on Facebook, I'm there too, and I'm headed for a year in your old stomping ground next year. If you'd like to stay in touch, I promise not to screw up our next meetup so badly!

I'm very happy we met virtually and I hope to stay in contact nonvirtually in the future.

medieval woman said...

Oh, m'dear - I will be so sad to see you go - as one of my first and best bloggy friends (whom I'm so happy I got to know irl as well!) - but I'm glad that you're healthy and feeling productive. I think this transition makes a lot of sense and it sounds like you're moving toward something great. Let's keep up over email and FB....

We'll miss you!

heu mihi said...

Hilaire! You will be missed. I hope that we can still keep in occasional contact. Take care and continue to feel better!

Anonymous said...

Bye, Hilaire! I wish you much deep love, satisfying work, and nourishing play in the years to come! I was glad to get to know you.

Kendra Leonard said...

I'll miss you, Hilaire. Best of luck and health.


kermitthefrog said...

Hilaire, all the best and good luck.

Sisyphus said...


Flavia said...

Best of luck, dearie. And you know where to find us if you need us. . .

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see you go, but so glad you're healing, and I hope things continue to go well for you!

Anonymous said...

late to the game, as usual, but i am also sad for you leaving but totally understand. I am glad your health is getting better... email me if you are on facebook, and take care!

Unknown said...

Once again I'm more like you than you can know. I'm sorry to have faded away, too.

Earnest English said...

Waaaaaaaa. I'll miss you. But maybe I can keep in touch via facebook? (I'll have to email you, my friend.)

Sfrajett said...

Still missing you in the blogosphere. I totally share your exhaustion with it, but I feel like with the coming of spring I might be tempted to write again. it's been a long dark and tiring winter. As you know, though, the green shoots come, whether we will or no. Hope you are well.

sexy said...
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Slant said...

Was just checking your blog today to see if there were any updates. Hope you're well! Do add me on Facebook if the mood suits. Sarah

Anonymous said...
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Apple Lopez said...

Hello Hilaire,

My name is Apple Lopez and I work for Freelance MD.

We are always on the hunt for doctors who have passion about a particular subject to write on our site. I have read your blog and I believe our members would find your thoughts of interest:-)

We are hoping that you would like to write a guest post on our site. Freelance MD is the leading site for physicians interested in
improving their income and lifestyle and has tens of thousands of physician visitors each month.

Here's a link that explains everything about guest posting including readers, backlinks and requirements:http://freelancemd.com/guestpost.


Nurse and Hospital Stories said...

Oh, still hoping for a post update from you, eh. Still looking forward for some educational and inspirational posts. :)

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