Thursday, October 30, 2008

You know what, student whose MA thesis I am currently reading? If you are going to plagiarize gigantic swathes of your MA thesis, choosing something other than Sparknotes' fully googlable online guide to the novel might be a good idea.

I am so done.


Amanda K Allen said...

Oh my God! That's horrible!

Sending warm and fuzzy clouds of sympathy your way...

K said...

Take down time. I can't believe a student would be so dumb as to to that in a THESIS.

I hope you're doing well otherwise.

PG said...

Woah...the student plagarized on a Master's thesis. I hope you call him/her on it.

So dumb.

Hilaire said...

Yes, profoundly dumb.

Psychgrad - I'm not the student's supervisor, but I've provided the supervisor with evidence - there's plenty of it - and said that I think the issue should be taken up with the Dean of GS and the student kicked out. End of story.

grumpyABDadjunct said...

OMG that is horrible! Why would someone do that?!?! That's more than dumb, that's suicidal. Jeez.

Calypso said...

Wow! I'm so stunned I'm delurking to comment... I'm upset when my first-year undergrads do this; I couldn't have imagined an MA student contemplating such stupidity.

Non Tenured Assistant Professor said...

That is sooooo stupid! How can a student do that? I mean whet do they think, we don't check?
This student should be kicked out!

Psych Post Doc said...

WOW! That's a good way to not get your MA.

Susan said...

And an MA student thinks you were born when? Yikes. Said students needs to be flunked out for stupidity as well as academic dishonesty.

medieval woman said...

I got my MA with a person who plagiarized one of her seminar papers - she just took it off her roommate's computer and turned it in. It was for a similar class, but her professor hadn't taught it before. The roommate found out and turned her in. BUT, the plagiarist had 1) big boobs that she used to her advantage at every turn (particularly with her male professor) and 2) went on a crying jag whipping him into a frenzy of sexually charged empathy and he only gave her an 'F' for the class and then LET HER TAKE THE CLASS AGAIN IN THE SUMMER! So, she has the same MA as I do.

Do I sound bitter about this? I am! The thing still makes me sick and it's been 10 yrs.

Sorry, didn't mean to make this about me! I totally think the student should be kicked out on hir butt. Or pilloried and then kicked out...

Successful Researcher: How to Become One said...
